Private Lessons
$25 per half hour
We want to find the perfect teacher, time and instrument for your child, so we begin with a four-lesson trial period. Once we’ve found your ‘Perfect Fit’, lessons continue weekly and you are billed on a monthly basis. You can stop lessons at any time - just give us a 30-day heads up that you are discontinuing lessons. We can’t wait to make music with you!
Group Lessons
Making music is more fun together! Group lesson rates include our Rock Band, Pop Choir, Theory and all other group lessons, which meet for 60 minutes weekly. Avalon students taking additional private lessons receive a discounted rate of $90/month.
Pop Choir
Do you love to sing? Pop Choir is always looking for enthusiastic singers to participate in our exciting and contemporary vocal group. You don’t need to have prior experience or instrument/music knowledge, just a willingness to sing with others!
Rock Band
For students who have progressed past the first stages of learning on their instrument, the next step may be to play with a group. Our Rock Band programs run with a small ensemble of students, in order to discover the ins and outs of being in a band from professional, gigging musicians.
RCM Exam Clinics
Run over two consecutive weekends in the lead-up to the RCM exam dates, these clinics will allow students to present their pieces to ARCT certified instructors. Students will also have an opportunity to test the technical aspects of the exam, including ear tests and sight reading.
Sip & Sing
Mom’s need a night out too! Let Dad put the kids to bed and join us for a relaxed evening of making music. We’ll sing popular songs and songs that make us feel young again. No experience necessary! We meet every first and third Tuesday for an hour on a drop-in basis.