Musical Gift Giving

Are you considering giving the gift of music this holiday season? There are many options and ways to share!

With most people streaming their music these days, it can feel difficult to actually gift music these days. That being said, the resurgence of vinyl allows for some fantastic gifts, either with re-releases of classic albums or new music coming out directly as vinyl collector’s items. Cassette tapes are also making a comeback!

If you are considering gifting an instrument, please keep in mind that a quality instrument from a reputable maker will give your giftee the best chances of success. A good rule of thumb is to buy instruments from music stores, rather than toy stores or department stores. Even though there likely will be little to no difference in price, it makes a very big difference to buy from a store with experience and knowledge of musical instruments.

Of course, giving the gift of music lessons is always a popular option as well! Gifting the first month or two of music lessons is a great way to try out a new instrument and is a great introduction to lessons. At Avalon Music Academy, we have Gift Certificates for four, eight, or twelve trial lessons available for purchase. And don’t worry - we have rental instruments available as well - just in case Santa doesn’t leave a grand piano under your tree as well!


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