Building Better Practice Habits

With the school year in full swing and lessons underway, now is a perfect time to talk about practising habits!

It’s important first to talk about the difference between “practicing” and “playing”. Practicing involves working on very specific things with the goal of improving one or two areas. This might look like playing a piece with a metronome, or going over a transition in a few bars of a piece. It’s important to note that practicing does not usually sound musical, and may even sound bad!

By contrast, playing is the opposite. It may involve playing multiple pieces all the way through, never repeating sections with mistakes or going back to correct errors. This is making music for the joy of it! As necessary and enjoyable as it is, it does not result in the same progress as more specific and ‘less fun’ practicing does.

When spending time on your instrument consider; are you practicing or playing? Both are important, but diligent practice is what will improve your playing. 

Other useful practice habits may include keeping a log, setting a reminder alarm on your phone, or practising specific things on different days of the week. A routine will help greatly, and daily accountability will see amazing returns. Keep in mind that short, daily practice is usually recommended over infrequent, longer practice. Once you have found a practice style that suits your personality and needs, significant improvement is sure to follow!


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