Performance Tips & Tricks

With the holidays come so many performance opportunities! Whether you’re planning to perform in a big recital, a holiday service, or for family and friends in your home, give some of these performance tips and tricks a try.

The most important and underrated trick to becoming more comfortable performing is……to practice! This doesn’t just mean practicing the music you intend to perform, but to actually practice your performance. How will you sit down and approach your instrument? Will you use sheet music or notes? Have you done any test-runs in what you plan to wear? A simple “dress rehearsal” will make you think through these questions ahead of time, so you don’t have to overthink while performing!

Once you’re on stage, you may find that actually looking at your audience is making you nervous. This goes doubly with a small crowd! Instead of looking at the people facing you, try picking a spot above someone’s head in the back row. Looking just above the audience will make it seem like you’re looking directly at them - without actually having to! This will also help to make sure you’re not looking at your hands/music/instrument/the floor the whole time.

And don’t forget the most important part about performing - having fun! We perform because we enjoy making music. The next time you are nervous, try taking a deep breath and think of three things you love about playing your instrument. Then trust the practice you have done and enjoy yourself!

Everyone at Avalon Music Academy is wishing you very Happy Holidays, and the best of luck performing this season!


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